Tuesday, December 7, 2010

On never turning off a game

In addition to convincing me during the playoffs that if the Leafs scored a goal while I was out of the room it was completely logical to not let me back in until something terrible (read: opposing goal) occurred, my father also insisted on never turning a game off early. He'd yell at the television, throw things, and storm out threatening never to watch those useless, good-for-nothing, overpaid, sacks-of-shit-on-skates ever again, but he never actually turned the game off. This led to many an excruciating night when we'd watch the clock tick down on a blowout and he'd be forced to explain, once again, why exactly it is that god hates Leaf fans and wants me to suffer (see also: why I am not religious).

I have recently found myself explaining to fans who turned the Leafs off after the second period when they were down by 3+ goals this season just how awesome it was to watch the team claw their way back in the third and win it in overtime more than once. To clarify, by "fans" I mean the one Leaf fan I know in Los Angeles and a coworker who doesn't seem to have the heart to tell me that she really doesn't care, and by "more than once" I mean twice.

But man, it is games like the one last night against the Caps that make all the torment, mocking, and pathetic attempts at self-deprecation that actually just make me sad worth it. I'm sticking with this team until the bitter end. And by "bitter end" I mean inevitable Stanley Cup Parade down Young St this summer because obviously after last night that's totally going to happen.

But seriously, fire Ron Wilson.


  1. I definitely think the leafs have a chance. Stick with 'em and good for you for not turning the t.v. off early. Your father was a wise man.
    P.S. Your blogs are adorable. Canada needs more bloggers like you!
